Urgent Matters
Topical, political and relevant. Powerful stories from the world right now.
The Bibi Files
All the cards in the corruption case against Benjamin Netanyahu are laid out on the table in a film based on leaked footage and interviews from the Israeli Prime Minister's inner circle. A political docu-thriller of historical relevance.
The Tender Revolution
Ever since my friend took her own life, one question has stayed with me: Is there a possible world in which she would have liked to live? A world full of care and tenderness? The film meets four different people who have never met, but who are all fighting for exactly that: for a tender revolution.
Undercover: Exposing the Far Right
United Kingdom / 2024 / 95 min
Efter filmen vil forsker ved DIIS, Alberte Bové Rud, holde et uddybende oplæg. Rud er specialist i højrenationalisme i Europa og vil i forlængelse af filmen give eleverne en forståelse for de mekanismer, der er på spil i de ekstreme miljøer filmen beskæftiger sig med.