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March 19 – 30, 2025

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Grand Teatret

Mikkel Bryggers Gade 8, 1460 København K


Public Transport: Grand Teatret is very close to both the main train station and the city hall. Therefore, there are many options for public transportation. Both the Metro, bus, and S-train will bring you very close to the cinema.

Parking: As we are located in the city center, there are limited parking options. Therefore, we recommend arriving by bike, public transport or on foot.

Accessibility Guide

Grand Teatret is an old building characterized by winding corners and level differences, with auditoriums spread over several floors and premises. Unfortunately, this currently means that access for people with disabilities is challenging. The cinema does not have accessible toilets.


Try your hand at the world of spirits in a true audience favourite from this year's Sundance Festival, where seven New York psychics can put their clients in touch with the supernatural beyond - or maybe just in touch with their own emotions.


Of Caravan and the Dogs

Askold Kurov & Anonymous 1 / Germany / 2024 / 89 min

Q&A: Meet the director

Putin had been preparing his country for the big war long before it started. A group of independent Russian journalists and activists face severe punishment and end up facing personal and political dilemmas in Askold Kurov’s couragous and critical film.


+ Debate: The #MeToo reckoning in conservative Japan

Together with WIFT Denmark (Women in Film and Television), we present a conversation with the film's director, Shiori Ito, moderated by DR journalist and chairmember of WIFT, Annika Wetterling, about the work of investigative journalism in taking down power-corrupted media bosses, which is all the more difficult when the abuse of power takes place in a patriarchal society like Japan. After the film, there is a free beer (w/o alcohol) from To Øl.
Language: English

A Japanese journalist becomes both detective and protagonist in her own story of overcoming a sexual assault and confronting both the boss of Japan's leading TV networks and a deeply conservative system. Dramatic, moving and determined to change a toxic culture.


Once Upon a Time in a Forest

Virpi Suutari / Finland / 2024 / World Premiere / 93 min

+ Event: FLOR & Phie Ambo x CPH:DOX presents: The Deep Silent Calm of the Forest

For this screening, before the movie, we will dive into the calm of the forest and gather our thoughts on biodiversity and the view of nature, after which we will watch 'Once Upon a Time in a Forest' together. Film director Phie Ambo, who has made the acclaimed documentary 'Organiseret Vildskab', visits Grand Teatret when FLOR, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation's youth movement for more biodiversity, facilitates a conversation about our relationship with nature. Can you be in love with nature? And at the same time bear the weight of the biodiversity crisis? What is your nature utopia and what do you actually do when you stand next to a tree? Presented in collaboration with FLOR Copenhagen
Language: Danish

Biodiversity and generation gaps collide in a politically urgent and thoughtful film about two young activists' fight to save the vast Finnish forests. Is it still civil disobedience when you know you have both history and the future on your side?


Gasoline Rainbow

Bill Ross & Turner Ross / United States / 2023 / 110 min

Q&A: Meet Thomas McGovern from the film team

Five teenagers embark on an all-American road trip to the Pacific Ocean in a dreamy and sprawling hybrid film from the Ross brothers. A feature film shot as a documentary headed for the end of the gasoline rainbow.