The Castle
Danny Biancardi, Virginia Nardelli & Stefano La Rosa / Frankrig & Italien / 2025 / Verdenspremiere / 72 min
Tre børn forvandler en forladt bygning midt i Palermo til en hemmelig fantasiverden, hvor de kan være i fred for de voksne. Et charmerende siciliansk eventyr med en bittersød eftersmag.
Out on the street, chaos reigns. But in an abandoned building in the middle of Palermo, Angelo, Mery and Rosy have found a sanctuary where they can let their imaginations run wild without the interference of adults. The building may be falling apart, but you get the impression that the rest of the adult world is not doing too well either.
And amidst the rubble, the three children have created a universe of their own, a dream castle in the middle of a chaotic reality. ‘The Castle’ is a film with a formidable ability to immerse itself in the parallel fantasy world of children – and to do so on their own terms.
If you’ve ever been a child yourself, you recognize the magical feeling that together you can enchant the world just by the power of thought. And if you’ve grown up in the meantime, the feeling will return all the stronger. But nothing lasts forever, and when the municipality announces its plans to renovate the place, the castle is suddenly at risk.