Empire Bio
Guldbergsgade 29F, 2200 København N
Public transport: The nearest metro station is Nørrebros Runddel. Empire is located in the heart of Nørrebro, and there are also many buses that stop nearby, such as 5C, 1A, 111M, and 350S.
Parking: The City of Copenhagen has introduced parking ticket machines in Nørrebro as of March 19, 2007. Read more about the applicable rules here.
Accessibility Guide
At Empire Bio, wheelchair users are more than welcome. The cinema’s areas offer plenty of space and accessibility, from our entrance area to both the lounge and corridors on the 1st floor.
Halls 1, 2, and 3 have a wheelchair platform in the middle of the front row.
When you arrive at the cinema, you should contact the ticket office to arrange the necessary assistance to enter the halls.
Accessible toilets are available in both the men’s and women’s restrooms.
Companion: Of course, CPH:DOX has a companion scheme, so you can bring a companion for free to your desired screening. If you want a companion seat, simply contact tickets@cphdox.dk.