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The Lions By The River Tigris
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      March 19 – 30, 2025

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          The Lions By The River Tigris

          The Lions By The River Tigris

          Zaradasht Ahmed / Norway & Netherlands / 2025 / World Premiere / 92 min

          Cultural heritage is the invisible casualty of any war. ISIS left Mosul in ruins after liberation. Today, a fisherman, a musician and a collector struggle to preserve what remains of the city's soul.

          Mosul, one of the world’s oldest cities, was controlled by ISIS for years and lay in ruins after liberation. ‘The Lions on The River Tigris’ follows three men who refuse to let the city’s history be forgotten.

          Bashar the fisherman guards his family’s only surviving legacy – a marble gate with two lions. His house on the Tigris River was taken over by ISIS, used as a bomb-making factory and then blown up. An antiques collector and dandy Fakhri wants to add the lions to his vast private collection. Meanwhile, musician Fadel is teaching a new generation an art that was once forbidden and punishable by death.

          As Mosul is slowly reborn with theater, music and beauty salons, its inhabitants find traces of the darkness of the past in the ruins. ‘The Lions on The River Tigris’ is an observational documentary about an ancient city with more than 8,000 years of history that must reinvent itself – and the people who refuse to let its soul disappear.

          Familiarise yourself with human rights at CPH:DOX
          According to a new survey from the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Danes largely support human rights and believe they are important – but more than half, 53 percent, cannot name a single human right. At the premiere screenings of all films nominated for the Human Rights Award, you will receive the 30 articles of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, printed by Human Rights Watch. And below you can see exactly which articles this film addresses.

          Article 17
          Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

          Article 27
          Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.