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      March 19 – 30, 2025

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          Girls & Gods

          Girls & Gods

          Arash T. Riahi & Verena Soltiz / Austria / 2025 / World Premiere / 105 min

          Can feminism and religion coexist? Inna Shevchenko of the Ukrainian FEMEN collective seeks answers to a difficult question in candid conversations with priests, imams, rabbis and other activists.

          Are women’s rights and religion incompatible? The leader of feminist activist group FEMEN, Inna Shevchenko, has been fighting for years to abolish religion with her provocative demonstrations. But in ‘Girls & Gods’ she opts a new strategy: Conversation. 

          From Copenhagen to New York, she meets female activists, priests, rabbis, imams, theologians and atheists. Inna remains critical of all religious institutions, but opens a deep and honest dialog with her religious counterparts and confronts the dilemma of what it means to be a religious feminist.

          Directors Verena Soltiz and Arash T. Riahi illustrate the conversations by juxtaposing traditional sacred iconography with a feminist take on art historical motifs, and to a heavy score by trap artist Baby Volcano. Together with the fearless Inna Shevchenko, they have created a film that confronts one of today’s most difficult and sensitive topics – and does so with intelligence and confidence in the conversation.

          Familiarise yourself with human rights at CPH:DOX
          According to a new survey from the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Danes largely support human rights and believe they are important – but more than half, 53 percent, cannot name a single human right. At the premiere screenings of all films nominated for the Human Rights Award, you will receive the 30 articles of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, printed by Human Rights Watch. And below you can see exactly which articles this film addresses.

          Article 18
          Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

          Article 19
          Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.