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March 19 – 30, 2025

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'Our Body' + Intro: The invisible vulnerabilities and risks of the female body

‘Our Body’ + Intro: The invisible vulnerabilities and risks of the female body

Join us for a special screening of Claire Simon's masterpiece 'Our Body' in the Niels K. Jerne Auditorium at the Panum Institute.

A very special auditorium in a healthcare institution that houses doctors, human biologists, clinical assistants, bioanalysts and many more who all work with human anatomy and biology.

For this special screening, the film is introduced in the light of all the diseases and complications that come with having a female body by Professor, Dr. med. and senior consultant at Rigshospitalet, Anja Pinborg (Fertility Clinic 4071, Department of Gynaecology, Fertility and Childbirth).

Presented in collaboration with KU SUND.

Language: Danish