CPH:DOX 2024 Programme
Hundreds of titles, seven(!) awards, a host of international guests, and nationwide distribution. You can delve into the program for the completed CPH:DOX 2024 right here on the page.
With a focus on everything from fertility and ‘ableism’ to discrimination and trauma, we dive into highly topical conversations about the body as a battleground.
We are concerned with the battles, conflicts, and wars unfolding around us right now, leaving us sorrowful, angry, frustrated, and, yes, in conflict. This is why this year we have also gathered a series of films under the theme ‘Conflicted’
Special Premieres
A special selection of exclusive premieres screening out of competition.
Festival hits and front page stories. Great films, great stories, and great characters.
Artists & Auteurs
New work by some of the world’s most original artists and filmmakers.
New section for cinematic features in the field between documentary, fiction and beyond.
Sound & Vision
The best music movies of the year with some of the world's biggest names in front of the camera.
Urgent Matters
Topical, political and relevant. Powerful stories from the world right now.
Films tracing back through history. The present explained through the past.
Films exploring the encounter between cinema, science and society.
New Danish documentaries from both established and upcoming filmmakers.
The Youth Editorial Group
For the fourth year, the Youth Editorial Group is part of CPH:DOX ́ s programme department. Six young programmers have curated ten film screenings and events during the festival.
The Inter:Active exhibition probes the intersection of creativity and technology, each year exploring how emerging technologies are reshaping art and society.
CPH:CONFERENCE, a five-day program built in collaboration with Documentary Campus, presents an exciting array of talks featuring visionary thinkers delving into contemporary themes in documentary filmmaking. Together, we’re providing an interactive platform for professionals within our documentary community to exchange ideas and insights.