‘CASA’ + DEBATE on access and diversity in artschools
Conversation between head of danish filminstitute Tine Fisher and danish writer Urusula Andkjær Olsen, with principal of the Academy Of Fine Arts Lars Bent Petersen. Moderated by journalist Haena Laura Na.
The conversation about diversity in the artworld has spread to all corners of the industry. In 2023 there was a call for change – when art institutions under the Ministry of Culture, adopted the “charter for increased and intentional diversity work.” How do such initiatives unfold in the individual schools and has it had any real effects on the structures as of now? Meet former principals Tine Fischer from the Danish Film School, Ursula Andkjær Olsen from the Danish Academy of Creative Writing, and current principal Lars Bent Petersen from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts for an open discussion behind the art world’s diversity quota and access initiatives. The panel will be moderated by journalist and visual anthropologist Haena Blankholm.
Language: Danish